Friday 21 May 2010


Kahlil Gibran
Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you,
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.
You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow,
which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.
You may strive to be like them,
but seek not to make them like you.
For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.
You are the bows from which your children
as living arrows are sent forth.
The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite,
and He bends you with His might
that His arrows may go swift and far.
Let your bending in the archer's hand be for gladness;
For even as He loves the arrow that flies,
so He loves also the bow that is stable.

It’s hard to know what is best in life, all you can do is attempt to give others a feeling that you are searching for the best. More importantly, give yourself a confidence that you are doing the same! What is that others keep evaluating about you? Career, fashion, social status, partner and habitat probably. How do you satisfy all these? Often life turns to be a rat race to accomplish these needs. Well, crosscheck.
They are i) our needs ii) other’s demands for them to accept us

It is quite easy for those who really think deep, to answer this simple question. We often try to meet others’ demands for we THINK we need their acceptance in life. Well, being a SOCIAL ANIMAL, man needs acceptance in society. Now comes the question of how long is the list of acquaintances that you feel you should SATISFY?!
Parents, siblings [if any], grandparents, dad’s siblings, mom’s siblings, maternal and paternal Uncles and Aunts….woo…it’s not short. Next is the question, how many really bother to be receivers and Givers!
By the time we find a real, at least sensible answer for this question, a lion’s share of the life is gone! Even then, you will find someone crying because no piece of attention was granted to that, important one! It would be the real you. The unattended, unanswered, unrecognized and suppressed you. The passion would have died off, the longing for so many things would have left unnoticed. The greatest pain, you would ever feel. And the sore soul would grieve for all. But TIME would show no mercy. And all those DEMAND CREATING CROWD, all the same, would have lost lives living similar pain.
Friends, fathers, mothers, siblings and everyone…I might sound a little HEARTLESS…. But this is a humble suggestion, rather a thought of mine that I would like to share. You shall find the way hard, but the destination- a better way of life. I speak no philosophy but simple truth that we all forget. I promise no easy way to live, but a truth I have felt helpful in life. So when you look into your heart…see yourself and when you look into other’s heart, see THEM.

Friday 14 May 2010

At Cannes..!

OOO.... That was Deepika at the Red Carpet. Well, celebrated moments for Indians started off years back when Ash [as this Ice maiden is called]landed up the same platform, sorry to those Indian-Cinema lovers, fans and followers... I might have omitted the other real talents who have been to the same space earlier, But you will learn what my motive is, and will be happy that I did not mention them in this attempt of mine to find people with similar thoughts.
Is this ''show-casing'' that Indian Cinema should look forward to? Are the media personnels aware of the unnecessary importance they give to all these? What if Aiswarya or Deepika attend the Cannes, well it's nice Indians take part in these... But do they really represent Indian Cinema? Are'nt they silly models who wear Western clothing and try hard to be part of a party? Not that I neglect the fact that Deepika wore a Saree. Can you point point out Indian females [let's look for the average] wearing similar outfits [will anyone tell me the difference between Deepika's blouse and ordinary woman's Saree-blouse and inner wear!]...!
There are certain ways and means in which we should expect our ambassadors to dress up and appear in an international stage.If these girls are to represent our nation, they are expected to do it the Indian way, else let them not utter their citizenship.
Let us not applaud to all such culture-murder and feel great about it. We need to think different, but tradition does have a value. If not us [young Indians] who else is there to promote the rich heritage we have? It's not enough to feel proud of our country at our workplace when our 'foreigner-boss' speaks about the value of our land. We have to RETHINK AND RESPOND...

Sunday 10 January 2010

being special

It was too cold for me to work with full energy. I wanted to sleep more. Bu the very thought of my mom’s face red with anger an impatience, I had to wake up helplessly. The usual ritual of meeting my plants I could not avoid. The black coffee flavored my chilled morning warm! Then it was news time. I could only have a glance of the headlines and the Monday express supplement sure had to offer me certain things. I dropped mom half the way as she was particular about walking a short distance. I rushed through my breakfast and relaxed. Now, I could read at leisure.
‘’SPEAK EASY’’- the caption caught my eyes. But somehow I did not read the content as it was to do with speech and hearing. I navigated to the lower portion of the page and found my topic- special children and their education. I was in search of places where courses are offered to teach such children. One of my dreams is about setting up a school for the same. But these days I have started thinking of something new.
It is easy to accommodate those kids who are identified by their parents or relatives, to have disorders. But what would happen to those kids who are ‘called’ lazy, ignorant, daydreaming, ‘naughty’….? Being tagged ‘’bad’’. Do we have a mechanism in India to identify the defects in children studying in schools? Some of the schools have got counselors to solve the problem. But I wonder how many authorities are aware of the need?! It should be made sure that teachers get trained in identifying the symptoms of disabilities in children. For this something else is necessary- those who are stepping into teaching profession, need to realize that they are committing a great job. Teaching is not just a money earning profession; it is to be dealt with so much of importance and dedication. Teacher should get in touch with children in such a way that they are capable to influence their character. I wonder how many of the youngsters do carry this sort of a spark in their mind when they think of being a tutor.
It’s time for me to read through the materials for my research. I need to stop writing, not thinking. Well I look forward to those like-minded poeple who would join hands with me to campign for this cause....

Monday 2 November 2009

winter the season of my choice

I wish once again the winter came to me whispering how mush he was in love. I wanted to hear the dew drops fall from leaves to leaves. When I hear it all in the silence of the moon lit nights, I used to lie down listening to the footsteps that I would never hear in my life. He would be missing me I know. But how much? A question that would never be answered. He never admitted that he was in love. His silent messages conveyed it all. At times a pat on my shoulder, at times a look asking me ‘’what next’’… I have no idea about what that magical power is that keeps my thought chained to that being irrespective of his negligence. We could not meet many times; we hardly spoke to each other. But all that I can remember about him is happiness that he had given me all time.
My body has lost its health and I feel like being kissed for long. I would die if I don’t travel alone and listen to the music of nature. I am sure that I will not be able to live the love of my life, as some rightly commented-you cant have everything in life…! I need to be in the midst of dense forests. I should sing and write poems about the wonderful gifts of this nature. I should make love to the man of my life, feeling the warmth of his desire that leaves me after each orgasm. I need to pull the pebbles off the riverbed and throw them to the water and see them slip over the crystal clear water. I should witness sunsets and sunrise one after another, remain tightly enclosed in his arms. I should make the wild wind take off the clothes that wrap my body, limiting its freedom to feel the nature around. I want to shed all those masks I was bound to wear to satisfy those demons thirsty for my freedom and soul. I wish I could be born like a butterfly and die off in a day or two. Many a times I’ve felt like losing myself in the deep blue ocean, being the meal for aquatic world and my soul freed from all the earthly interventions. I have had no toys to play with. But I have been one to many. I did not think of cheating a soul but even my soul has cheated me quite a number of times.
I had thousands of words to utter, but my stage was gone, I had tears dried off by the time I received a shoulder to shelter on. I had come out of that world of agony, becoming insensitive, by the time you lend me a helping hand. I had sold off all my love and mortgaged my heart by the time your love found its way to my heart. Here I stay in front of you, wanted by you. Here I stay hoping for a day when I become yours. Rescue my soul you my love. Rescue the words from my throat, let me speak to you how much I love you and longed for you. Detach me from the chains and handcuffs you find on me, and show me the way to that valley you dwell in… Let me search for that peace I’d once found in you….

Tuesday 22 September 2009


Art, though man-made, do influence human mind. Oh, I could have delivered it like this- as human mind creates art due to many influences, the art too influence human mind... I am sure there is still a better frame for this concept!
I do not meet many people who really understand my thoughts and that keeps me away from lots of things. People, relations, living beings…all have appeared meaningless several times... The reason I do not know, I am made like that! I am sure about the path in which my mind travels, but communicating that to others is a tough task ahead…
Once I start expressing my thoughts and feelings in words, I won’t wait for anyone to recognize that it is a piece of literature- but definitely start respecting it as ‘the best’. Now, for all these reasons, let me tell you that the following literary feast is the after-effect of my parenthood for a few ideas. I ‘carried’ them after ‘conceiving’ them from various ‘observations’. And now I am delivering them with quite a lot of ‘labor pain’! my ‘creation’ is very close to my heart…
My graduation in a metro gave me various things to think about. I realized several times that life is just a bunch of unexpected things. Life in the metro bred me often except for a few friends and teachers… the place was not more than a motel for me…
Sun baked each day into delicious cakes… cake tasted good for a few. It was not worth for many. I never bothered how many I possessed…countless I ignored.. The true bonding of friendship I realized these days… I am a coffee lover, I could easily make of my friends drink, rather zip coffee with me… a lot, thereafter happened over coffee chats! Three of us could easily row through the violent ocean of life. We faced good times, bad ones were in no converted into good ones… I am sure nothing in my life will replace them. The happiness and joy they gave me, I will never leave away from my thoughts… not just three of us were in there in our world. We stayed away from this world often, watching the world rotate on its age old axis… we took roads ignored by the majority. We had a few passionate fellow passengers. W were sure of one thing if not everything… all those faces we encountered, had a magnificent smile ignited.

I had [fortunately] chances to see different phases of life. I was somehow sensible enough to observe them and accidentally, unknowingly I learned quite a lot. I had heard of ‘this world’ and I use to pray it not to be like that. But the lessons told me that I was living a fantasy in spite of being aware of the reality. Women who believed in true love, cheating their husband. The husband acting as if he was cheated and doing the same hiding the laughter… and finally a group of young ones growing up left alone to choose what’s their way… father yelling at mother, grandparents cornering their son for bringing in a bitch as their daughter-in-law.. children being exploited because someone was in need of ‘tender flesh’… diseased and betrayed, a million trillion lives dwelling on hope for a better life… Sex, money and selfishness- quite a number of times I felt that life is all about paying bills, selling your products [including yourself] and finally penalizing the self for all you have done….
Is life an illness you can never escape form? Or a commodity that you can only produce and get hanged when you try destroying it… at times it is a search for me between the two ends…death and birth… black light in the beginning and blackout at the end… god interferes my thoughts frequently, he is my soul mate- he always listens. He replies only through others… life is also an unending attempt from my part to find that omnipotent presence. He confuses me often, nurture smiles and listens patiently when I whine about worldly matters… my ceaseless love for him- is also life for me…
Life is one’s portrait that can be viewed only by others. It is just like the final drop of a drink that adheres to the cup and you never get to taste! It is like me thinking of writing all these from my study room and ending up scribbling it from a coffee shop alone, being an exhibit for all- including a mother an her pregnant daughter who’s occupying my neighboring table…
Life is lies between two seconds, it belongs to me and to you. It is all about love, destiny and the huge pile of mysteries. It is about people lying in bed for decades, leaving tears in eyes, ants eating up their body, thoughts conquering their mind and regret haunting all day and night. Life is about killing a foetus because you wanted 'pleasure', but you are afraid of the bad name! Life is about eating spiders and scorpions and tattooing your girl's name on your arm in a language unknown to your friends!
Life is about 'texting' your father that you are safe, though you know the ditch you are in. Life is about beliving in a person whom you know that, is not worth you trust. Life is kike showing your navel to someone whom you dont want in your bed. It is like inviting an unknown guest. Life is a web you never fail to be in! It is like the feeling you get when your love is illtreated and still you keep loving unconditionally. is like a magic played by someone, who know even the fact I wrote all these to kill my time...!